About Me

Penfield, New York, United States
i am 61 yrs young single and loving it-most of the time I am severely Hearing impaired. I do not let it stop me HAVE 2 CATS THAT NEEDED A HOME LIVE IN A TRAILER PARK

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

the Winter that won`t end-Spring where are you

Spring seems to have gotten lost this year. Winter just doe`s not want to leave . I want Lilacs oh i love that heady fragrance . My Tulips daffodils and hyacinths  s are still hiding .come out and play flowers.
My MOM loved Spring rebirth and renewell today is the ann. of her death in 2003 miss ya MOM

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Request

http://www.freecharitycars.org/ if you have or know someone who has a Car they would like to donate Please ask them to consider this organization there are so many in need myself included ty Please tell your friends -employers-church-car dealer

voting for others and entering voting sweeps

One thing i have learned in this voting sweep journey is it takes a lot of time -asking for votes-voting for others in hopes they will return votes--dealing with those that cheat  in some voting sweeps-why cheat i have no answer to that -my theory is they dont think they can win honestly or do want to put the work that goes into voting sweeps to win-so they take what they think is the easy way out-for me win or lose i know i did it the right way the honest way